Stuff down here is quite old. Like from last decade. |
windows softwareBlttest
Time your videocard's 2-D performance VJPEG
A fast image viewer Thumbpage
A simple web gallery thumbnailer Netmeter
How much bandwidth is your computer using? KeyRepeat
Simple web-based test of key repeat rate Disksum
A program to find big files Scrapture
A little screen capture program fonticate
See all the fonts in your system Picasa
Photo software I wrote (acquired by Google) web stuff
Picasaweb on any site dmerge Logfile merging by date
downloadsSpherical blur
Utility for blurry spheremaps. Fresnel Alpha
Photoshop filter for reflectance. Little Browser Bumpers
Make IE work better. |
optimization tricksRadix Sort for Floating Point
Some nice optimizations for sorting Know your FPU
My article from 2000 FPU fixing (by Sree)
Updated+better float to fixed by Sree Kotay Computer Math, 101
More math hacks by Ben Weiss The Double-Blend Trick
Faster alpha blending Fast crossfades
using MMX Integer log2
Fast log2(x) codeFast Shadows on Rectangles
Magically Fast Drop Shadows How to Make Things Stop
Some thoughts about animation. strcmp for humans
10 doesn't come before 2 Lighting for MetaStream 3
The specular + diffuse shader Approximations to gamma
Fast gamma correction Eatmem for QA on NT
michael herf (contact)follow @herf on twitterVery old resume graphics ideasGamut Mapping, 1992
Soft Shadows, 1996
Scatteringimages and discussion, 1999
[pdf] MIP-mapping in software, 1999
Cubemap animation for Bryce 4, 2000
Circle Packing, 2000
Notes on lighting for arts and color-matching The Lyrics Server
A retrospective on copyright Give me a gigabyte
Computers and RAM Holding my data hostage
Software vs. subscriptions Procedural UI
The future of interface? KPT5 Blur Filters
The inside story It's time for 2-D
Graphics hardware and UI |